activity poster for Challenges of the Unregistered Population in Sabah

Challenges of the Unregistered Population in Sabah

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Hear from experienced professionals in health, education and human rights about the issues of the undocumented population in Sabah and the impact on Sabahans.

📍 8th Floor, Block B, KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital.


Datuk Dr Christina Rundi

Former Director of Sabah State Health Department, Datuk Dr Christina Rundi (2012 - 2021) holds a MBBS from Universiti Malaya, a specialist doctorate degree in Public Health from University of London, Masters in Science (Health Service Management), and a Post-Graduate Diploma (Epidemiology and Population Health).

Dr Rundi, who hails from Sandakan, was the State Epidemiologist from 2007 to 2009. Prior to that, she served as Medical Officer in Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and Papar District Hospital. She was also Area Medical Officer of Health for Tawau, Beluran and Keningau.

Dr Kathryn Rivai

Dr Kathryn Rivai, an educationist originating from New Zealand now a Sabahan, has been involved in the field of education her entire life. From teaching, directing, consulting in government schools to private schools and working in NZ, Sabah and Indonesia, she has since 2009 launched the Etania Schools in Sabah.

The Etania Schools of Sabah, which now number 13, are found all over Sabah; in plantations, rural villages, small towns and the city. Etania was set up to provide a quality education to undocumented, stateless and marginalised communities.

The undocumented and stateless children in Sabah are barred from entering school and so Etania's goal is to ensure equity in education no matter the race, origin or family background. A critical component of Etania's educational curriculum is sustainability in life and living skills to ensure these families can support themselves and their community during times of crisis.

Etania has been the recipient of numerous local and international awards for its commitment to education for all, ensuring each child can look forward to a better quality of life.

ANAK (Advocated for Non-discrimination and Access to Knowledge)

ANAK (Advocated for Non-discrimination and Access to Knowledge) believes in the fulfilment of basic rights for every child regardless of background or legal documentation status.

ANAK is a grassroots organisation which aims to protect the rights of migrant, undocumented and stateless children. ANAK has worked with UN agencies, international NGOs and communities to provide: communication campaigns for health and human rights issues for non-citizen communities, distribution of food and health supplies, researching knowledge, attitude and behaviours. It also provides paralegal aid and advice on civil registration and advocates on issues relating to migration, non-documentation and statelessness.

Dr Chong Eng Leong (semi-retired General Surgeon)

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The Sabah Society

How to get to this event?

KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital

Lot No.2 Off, Jalan Damai, Luyang Commercial Centre, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

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